RequireJS, Backbone.js, JWT and much more
The initial design of Nestor-QA had in mind to do something similar to what Bugzilla did: an API-first application. API-first applications are software that apply a strategy of building the API first, and then build the rest of the software around, or on top of it.
We also want to implement plug-ins for Nestor-QA in the future. The plug-ins API must enable users to customize the layout and theme as well. So we decided to build the web application with JavaScript.
What we have at the moment is a JavaScript client, that connects to a backend PHP API. The API was created using Dingo/API Laravel library, which also supports JWT for authentication. The application interface is being built with Backbone.js.
Building a JavaScript application, specially one that will have so many screens as a test management software, can generate many screens, require many files, and views, models, collections, etc, in Backbone.js.
For that, we are building the software with RequireJS. This way we are being able to organise the code in modules. There are already tests in PHP, and now we will start writing JavaScript tests too. It looks like using RequireJS may also help us writing tests for JavaScript, since we can inject modules, and isolate the tests per functionality.
That’s all for now. There are still many issues open, and a lot to be done before the next release of Nestor-QA. So keep an eye open for more awesome stuff :-)